Wall Street’s doom-mongers spent years warning that private lenders would be the next bubble to burst when central banks tightened policy. Instead, the funds are becoming even more ubiquitous as companies scramble to refinance debt in a higher interest-rate environment.
Private Debt News
„Infrastrukturanlagen sind bekannterweise das Megathema der zwanziger Jahre in diesem Jahrhundert“
Placement Agents und Marktbeobachtung, Infrastruktur, Private Debt – Markus Hill* sprach für IPE D.A.CH mit Sebastian Thürmer, artis ICM, über aktuelle Trends in den Segmenten Energie, Transport- und Soziale Infrastruktur, ESG, den „Faktor Wachstum“ sowie über Private Debt und Spezial-AIFs in diesen Segmenten.
Roundtable: Investors feel under-allocated to private assets
Investors display a greater command over private markets, which reflects how the asset class has evolved. But trends within the industry – including ESG and regulations that allow wider access to private assets – are forcing the firms themselves to evolve new offerings and operational processes.Participants:
Große Vermögensverwalter wie Banken, Versicherungen und Pensionskassen setzen bei ihren Geldanlagen weiterhin sehr stark auf Immobilien, Infrastructure, …….
Für die von der SOLUTIO AG unterstützte Studie wurden 121 institutionelle Investoren in Deutschland befragt.1 Während die überwiegende Mehrheit der befragten Institute (92 Prozent) bereits Real Estate in ihren Depots hat, will ein Drittel (32 Prozent) in den kommenden Jahren noch stärker in diese Assetklasse investieren.
Jefferies Raises $2 Billion for Direct Lending Fund
More than 50% of committed capital has already been deployed Fund will seek opportunities from Jefferies investment bank
Opportunities emerge in asset-based credit market for alternative lenders
Ares Management has been keeping its eyes peeled for rising opportunities in the asset-based credit market, a growing area of private debt. The firm hopes to capitalize on the flow of bank asset sales, become a new capital partner to fintech lenders, invest in the sale-leaseback market, provide fund-level credit facilities, and finance digital infrastructure […]
China ‘world’s biggest debt collector’ as poorer nations struggle with its loans
Country, estimated to be owed up to $1.5trn, is increasing penalties for late payments and cutting back on infrastructure projects.
Private Debts sind auch als Anlageklasse attraktiv
Steigende Zinsen und Volatilität an den Anleihenmärkten stellen selbst Anlegerinnen und Anleger mit einem langen Anlagehorizont vor ein Dilemma. Die LGT Bank gibt einen Überblick, wie in dieser Situation kann Private Debt eine Möglichkeit sein kann, das Anlageportfolio zu diversifizieren.
How co-lending and escrow are shaping the real estate industry’s future
Co-lending – a collaborative arrangement between two or more financial institutions, typically a bank or a non-banking financial company (NBFC), to jointly extend loans to borrowers; along with escrow accounts that facilitate smooth and transparent functioning of the partnership between the various real estate stakeholders, are seeing significant transformation, driven by a convergence of factors […]
Spezialfinanzierungen gewinnen an Bedeutung
Die Kreditvergabe ausserhalb des traditionellen Bankensystems bietet Investoren und Investorinnen vielfältige Chancen, nicht nur im Bereich der Unternehmensfinanzierung.
Are there seeds of private debt opportunity in the farming space?
Succession planning pressures, consolidation, and rising rates are building tailwinds for alternative lending in agriculture.
Brookfield Raises $6 Billion for Third Infrastructure Debt Fund
Over 50% of the committed capital has already been deployed More than 60% of the fund’s investors are new to the strategy
Private debt assets to hit all-time high of $2.8tn by 2028
More capital and asset owners are flocking into the asset class as it meets their return expectations, according to two recently-released reports.
Private Debt Funds Have a $500 Billion Conundrum
Private credit’s success is creating a $500 billion headache: finding a home for all the money that’s been raised. Fund managers potentially lost out on more than $7 billion of lending deals in less than 48 hours this week, highlighting the difficulties they face in allocating billions of dollars of dry powder following the industry’s […]
Private debt becomes more lender friendly in Europe
While concerns grow over the loosening of terms in the large end of the US market.