Private Equity & Private Capital News

GPs are cooking up a PE exit recovery

GPs are cooking up a PE exit recovery

We’re still waiting for the long-anticipated PE exit recovery, but deal advisers tell me GPs are busy cooking up plans to offload their fully baked assets as pressure mounts to return capital to LPs. Market chatter at the start of the year indicated the pipeline of exits was filling up, there were more assets up […]

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PropTech: 10 Mio. US-Dollar für nachhaltigen Zement und Beton – GreenTech Startup alcemy schließt Finanzierungsrunde ab

PropTech: 10 Mio. US-Dollar für nachhaltigen Zement und Beton – GreenTech Startup alcemy schließt Finanzierungsrunde ab

Das Berliner GreenTech-Startup alcemy hat 10 Millionen US-Dollar eingesammelt. Die Finanzierungsrunde wird angeführt von Norrsken VC, dem größten europäischen Early Stage Impact Fonds aus Stockholm; weitere Investoren sind Galvanize Climate Solutions, BitStone Capital und AENU. alcemy arbeitet seit 2018 daran, die Herstellung von Beton und Zement nachhaltiger zu gestalten – angetrieben von der Vision, mithilfe […]

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Demeter Invests in H2 Green Steel

Demeter Invests in H2 Green Steel

Decarbonized steel startup H2 Green Steel announced today an investment from European venture capital investor Demeter, with proceeds supporting the construction of the company’s flagship green steel plant in Boden, Sweden, capable of producing steel with 95% lower emissions than traditional blast furnace technology. Steelmaking is one of the biggest emitters of CO2 globally, and […]

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Nature Risk Management and Reporting Solutions Provider Natcap Raises $10 Million

Nature Risk Management and Reporting Solutions Provider Natcap Raises $10 Million

Nature and biodiversity intelligence company Natural Capital Research (Natcap) announced today it has raised $10 million in a Series A funding round, with proceeds to be used to scale its technology aimed at helping companies to quantify and embed nature-related risks and opportunities into business strategy. Spun out of Oxford University, Natcap was founded in […]

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Krise der Startup-Finanzierung – Was kommt nach dem Tiefpunkt?

Krise der Startup-Finanzierung – Was kommt nach dem Tiefpunkt?

Nach dem Krisenjahr 2023 scheint eine Bodenbildung bei der Start-up-Finanzierung erreicht – auch dank des AI-Hypes. Eine schnelle Erholung ist indes angesichts des weiterhin zu hohen Zins- und Inflationsniveau, einer wackeligen Konjunktur und geopolitischen Unwägbarkeiten fraglich. Mehr noch: Auch Venture-Capital-Fonds tun sich zunehmend schwer, ihre Fonds zu closen. Für Startup dürfte der Wettbewerb um frisches […]

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UNCAGED Innovations Raises $5.6 Million for Sustainable Leather Alternative Technology

UNCAGED Innovations Raises $5.6 Million for Sustainable Leather Alternative Technology

Biomaterials company UNCAGED Innovations announced that it has raised $5.6 million in a Seed investment round, with proceeds aimed at supporting the company’s commercial launch of its grain-based sustainable leather and allow it to expand its team, including its manufacturing team. Founded in New York in 2020 by CEO Stephanie Downs and CTO Dr. Xiaokun […]

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Climate Tech Startup Aether Fuels Raises $34 Million to Develop Clean Fuels for Aviation and Shipping

Climate Tech Startup Aether Fuels Raises $34 Million to Develop Clean Fuels for Aviation and Shipping

Climate tech startup Aether Fuels announced that it has raised $34 million in a Series A financing round, with procceds aimed at accelerating the scale-up of the company’s sustainable fuel technology for the aviation and ocean shipping industries. Established in 2022 as a spin-out of Temasek’s deep-tech early stage investment platform Xora Innovation, Aether provides […]

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