ESG News

Sustainable “Blue Economy” Fund Ocean 14 Capital Raises €201 Million

Sustainable “Blue Economy” Fund Ocean 14 Capital Raises €201 Million

Ocean sustainability solutions-focused private equity growth firm Ocean 14 Capital (O14C) announced today that it has raised €201 million for its impact fund Ocean 14 Capital Fund I. Recent investors in the fund include global food and beverage company Nestlé, private equity investor HQ Capital and The Green Earth Impact Fund managed by Schroders and […]

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ESG sukuk market forecast to exceed $50bn

ESG sukuk market forecast to exceed $50bn

A report from credit ratings agency Fitch Ratings has predicted that the ESG sukuk market will be worth more than US$50 billion within the next two years. Key reasons for the forecast are the funding diversification goals and ESG mandates facing issuers as well as new regulatory frameworks and government initiatives around sustainability. Fitch does […]

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Neue Studie: Transparenzlücken und Ertragsbedenken bremsen die ESG-Dynamik

Neue Studie: Transparenzlücken und Ertragsbedenken bremsen die ESG-Dynamik

Gefühlt hat das Thema Nachhaltigkeit bei Anlegern im Zuge von Pandemie, Inflation und Ukraine-Krieg eine Delle erhalten. Eine repräsentative Studie von AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) zeigt nun, dass die Präferenz zur nachhaltigen Geldanlage bei deutschen Privatinvestoren seit Vor-Pandemie-Zeiten zumindest auf der Stelle verharrt. So ist der Teil der Befragten mit ESG-Anteilen im Portfolio im […]

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NYCPF invests €234m in green initiatives (GB)

NYCPF invests €234m in green initiatives (GB)

The North Yorkshire Council Pension Fund has recently committed nearly €234m to support environmentally sustainable investments. This move is part of the fund’s ongoing strategy to focus on green initiatives. The investment has been made into the Border to Coast Pensions Partnership Climate Opportunities Fund, which is a significant step towards diversifying the fund’s portfolio […]

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Fünf Schritte zum nachhaltigen Investment bei Stiftungen

Fünf Schritte zum nachhaltigen Investment bei Stiftungen

Die Entscheidung einer Stiftung, bei der Anlage des Stiftungsvermögens neben finanziellen Kriterien auch soziale, ökologische, kulturelle oder weitere nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Kriterien zu berücksichtigen, hängt von einer ganzen Reihe von Faktoren ab. Die Prüfung dieser Faktoren und die Umsetzung einer entsprechenden Strategie in der Kapitalanlage kann in fünf Schritte unterteilt werden. Im Einzelnen sind dies: die Analyse […]

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REC Group erhält EcoVadis-Silbermedaille für seine fortschrittlichen ESG-Bemühungen

REC Group erhält EcoVadis-Silbermedaille für seine fortschrittlichen ESG-Bemühungen

Diese Auszeichnung platziert REC unter den besten 15% der bewerteten Unternehmen in der weltweiten Elektronikkomponentenindustrie. REC Group, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Solarenergie mit Produktionsstandorten für Zellen und Module in Singapur, ist stolz darauf, die renommierte EcoVadis-Silbermedaille für seine fortschrittlichen Bemühungen in den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung (ESG) erhalten zu haben. REC gehört […]

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PepsiCo to Achieve its First Net Zero Plant by 2025

PepsiCo to Achieve its First Net Zero Plant by 2025

Food and beverage giant PepsiCo announced today that its beverage plant in Northern Spain aims to become the company’s first plant globally to reach net-zero emissions by 2025. According to PepsiCo, the new achievement follows investments of €27 million (USD$29 million) dedicated to innovation and sustainability projects in the plant over the past five years, […]

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ERM Launches Carbon Credit Consulting Business

ERM Launches Carbon Credit Consulting Business

Sustainability advisory firm ERM announced today the launch of ERM Climate Markets, a new business aimed at helping companies investing in carbon credits to address their unabated greenhouse gas emissions and achieve decarbonization goals. The new business line comes as demand for carbon offset projects and related credits is expected to increase significantly over the […]

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Study: More than a Third of S&P 500 Companies Now Have Compensation Tied to Climate Goals: S&P Global

Study: More than a Third of S&P 500 Companies Now Have Compensation Tied to Climate Goals: S&P Global

More than a third of companies in the S&P 500 have monetary incentives in place linked to company emissions reduction, although a lower proportion have climate-related compensation incentives for senior executives, and even fewer at the top executive ranks, according to a new study released by S&P Global. The study, which included data from the […]

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