ESG News

80% of Global Investors Now Have Sustainable Investment Policies in Place: Deloitte/Tufts Survey

80% of Global Investors Now Have Sustainable Investment Policies in Place: Deloitte/Tufts Survey

The vast majority of professional investors globally have put in place ESG investment policies over the past several years, with investors looking both to minimize sustainability-related risk and capitalize on opportunities, and citing factors including regulatory requirements, improved performance and talent attraction, according to a new study released by global professional services firm Deloitte and […]

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UBS Launches Net Zero-Aligned S&P 500-Based ETF

UBS Launches Net Zero-Aligned S&P 500-Based ETF

UBS Asset Management (UBS AM) announced the launch of the S&P 500 Climate Transition ESG UCITS ETF, a new exchange traded fund aimed at investors seeking U.S. large cap exposure with net zero alignment and an improved ESG profile. Listed across European exchanges, including the London Stock Exchange, Xetra, Borsa Italiana and SIX Swiss Exchange, […]

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ESG: Mehr als jeder zweite Fonds mit Nachhaltigkeitsausrichtung

ESG: Mehr als jeder zweite Fonds mit Nachhaltigkeitsausrichtung

Scope hat untersucht, wie nachhaltig das deutsche Fondsuniversum im Sinne der EU-Offenlegungsverordnung (SFDR) aufgestellt ist. Die Verordnung unterteilt Fonds in drei Kategorien: Produkte ohne Nachhaltigkeitsfokus fallen unter Artikel 6 SFDR. Fonds, die ökologische und soziale Kriterien sowie eine verantwortungsvolle Geschäftsführung bei ihrer Titelauswahl berücksichtigen, werden als Artikel 8 klassifiziert. Produkte, die ausdrücklich das Ziel haben, […]

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Zaubern mit ESG-Kennzahlen

Zaubern mit ESG-Kennzahlen

Die neuen Pflichten für Informationen über Umwelt, Soziales und Führung lassen Unternehmen reichlich Spielraum für Bilanzpolitik. Das und mehr zeigt eine Umfrage.

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Goldman Sachs Renewables Spinout MN8 Raises $325 Million

Goldman Sachs Renewables Spinout MN8 Raises $325 Million

Solar energy and energy storage producer MN8 Energy announced today that it has raised $325 million through a private placement of convertible preferred stock, with proceeds from the financing to be used to fund the company’s growth and expansion of operations. Launched in 2017 as Goldman Sachs Renewable Power LLC, New York-based MN8 was rebranded […]

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MUFG Triples 2030 Sustainable Finance Target to $660 Billion on Strong Demand

MUFG Triples 2030 Sustainable Finance Target to $660 Billion on Strong Demand

Tokyo-based banking group Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) announced today a series of sustainability-related initiatives, including nearly tripling its 2030 sustainable finance goal to 100 trillion yen (USD$660 billion) from its prior 35 trillion yen target, as well as establishing a new Sustainability Risk Office, to manage sustainability risks, such as climate change risks, across […]

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Southwest Airlines Acquires DOE-Backed Sustainable Aviation Fuel Startup SAFFiRE Renewables

Southwest Airlines Acquires DOE-Backed Sustainable Aviation Fuel Startup SAFFiRE Renewables

Southwest Airlines announced that it has acquired SAFFiRE Renewables, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-backed project aimed at scaling the production of sustainable aviation fuel from agricultural residue. The acquisition follows the launch last month by the airline of Southwest Airlines Renewable Ventures (SARV), a new subsidiary responsible for managing the airline’s sustainable aviation fuel […]

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Die Zukunft Der Landwirtschaft: Smart Farming Und Vertical Farming

Die Zukunft Der Landwirtschaft: Smart Farming Und Vertical Farming

In einer Welt, ⁢die zunehmend von der Urbanisierung und dem Klimawandel geprägt wird, ​steht ‍die Landwirtschaft vor großen Herausforderungen. Doch⁤ dank fortschreitender‌ Technologie und innovativen Ansätzen wie ‍Smart ⁣Farming und Vertical Farming eröffnen ‍sich​ neue Möglichkeiten,⁣ um den wachsenden ‌Bedarf an‌ Nahrungsmitteln ‌nachhaltig zu decken. Diese⁢ revolutionären Methoden ‌lassen die ⁣Zukunft der Landwirtschaft in ⁤einem […]

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ESG Today: Week in Review

ESG Today: Week in Review

This week in ESG news: Biden admin invests $6 billion in industrial decarbonization projects; Microsoft signs one of largest-ever biochar carbon removal deals; Mississippi orders BlackRock to ‘cease and desist’ from ESG investing; Walmart invests in 1 GW of new clean energy projects; Vanguard found guilty of misleading green investing claims in Australia; Persefoni launches […]

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ESG als Beschleuniger der Transformation

ESG als Beschleuniger der Transformation

Wenn es darum geht, Unternehmen zukunftsfit zu machen, ist die Implementierung von ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) – Kriterien in den Organisationen unumgänglich. Sie dienen nicht nur dem Umweltschutz und der Förderung nachhaltiger Investitionen, sondern tragen auch wesentlich zur Reputation und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit bei, betont das Wiener Beratungsunternehmen Advicum Consulting.

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Die neue Öko-Angst der US-Konzerne

Die neue Öko-Angst der US-Konzerne

Das Zurschaustellen von sozialen und grünen Zielen würden Konzerne vor allem fürs eigene Image nutzen, kritisieren viele US-Republikaner. Inzwischen schweigen US-Firmen aber zunehmend über solche ESG-Standards. Denn im Falle eines Trump-Wahlsiegs drohen ihnen wohl harte Konsequenzen.

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Microsoft Signs 400 MW Renewable Energy Purchase Deals from New Texas Solar Projects

Microsoft Signs 400 MW Renewable Energy Purchase Deals from New Texas Solar Projects

Leeward Renewable Energy (LRE), announced two new Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) with Microsoft, for a total of 400 MW of renewable energy to be delivered from two solar facilities currently under development in Texas. The two new solar projects, each 200 MW, include the Morrow Lake Solar in Frio County, Texas, expected to be completed […]

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Mississippi Seeks Multimillion Dollar Penalty Against BlackRock Over ESG Investing

Mississippi Seeks Multimillion Dollar Penalty Against BlackRock Over ESG Investing

Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson announced on Wednesday the launch of a cease and desist order against BlackRock, aimed at stopping alleged “fraudulent action” by the investment giant and aiming to impose a multimillion-dollar administrative penalty, over the company’s ESG investment policies. The order, filed by the Securities Division of the Secretary of State’s […]

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Utility-Scale Energy Storage Provider Lightshift Raises $100 Million from Climate-Focused Investor Greenbacker

Utility-Scale Energy Storage Provider Lightshift Raises $100 Million from Climate-Focused Investor Greenbacker

Battery energy storage provider Lightshift Energy announced that it has raised $100 million from clean energy-focused investment manager Greenbacker Capital Management (GCM), with proceeds from the financing aimed at supporting the expansion of the company’s utility-scale energy storage solutions. Energy storage solutions and infrastructure are emerging as a key energy transition investment area. Storage forms […]

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