Infrastructure News

Verkehrsprognose bis 2051

Verkehrsprognose bis 2051

Bis 2051 wird laut der Prognose der Verkehr überall in Deutschland zunehmen, besonders stark im Güterbereich. Im Vergleich zu 2019, dem letzten Jahr vor der Coronapandemie, steige hier die Verkehrsleistung um die Hälfte – von 679 auf 990 Milliarden Tonnenkilometer, hieß es. Der Lkw bleibe dabei das dominierende Verkehrsmittel und gewinne weiter an Bedeutung (+54 […]

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Ex-JPMorgan bankers start emerging market infrastructure investment firm

Ex-JPMorgan bankers start emerging market infrastructure investment firm

Two former JP Morgan credit bankers on Monday launched a new impact investment advisory firm focused on emerging market infrastructure, with a minority stake by British insurer Legal & General’s (LGEN.L) alternative investments arm. The firm, ImpactA Global, aims to help address the World Bank’s estimated need for $1 trillion in annual investment in emerging […]

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Listed Infrastructure: Realizing The Potential For Sustainable Impact

Listed Infrastructure: Realizing The Potential For Sustainable Impact

nvesting in infrastructure represents a unique opportunity for long-term investors to allocate capital at the intersection of environmental, social, and economic progress. A 2018 study from the Inter-American Development Bank makes the case that infrastructure has the potential to explicitly and directly support progress toward over 70 percent of the 169 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) […]

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Commission presents new initiatives, laying the ground for the transformation of the connectivity sector in the EU

Commission presents new initiatives, laying the ground for the transformation of the connectivity sector in the EU

Gigabit Infrastructure Act Why has the Commission proposed to update the 2014 Broadband Cost Reduction Directive? The Broadband cost reduction directive contributed to ensuring that EU households are covered by networks of at least 30 Mbps speeds, which are enough to ensure smooth use of email and web browsing. The share of households covered by […]

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Digitalisierung: No Code für die Logistik 4.0

Digitalisierung: No Code für die Logistik 4.0

Für die Logistik liegt ein riesiges Potenzial in der Nutzung digitaler Technologien. Was die Entwicklung ausbremst, ist der Fachkräftemangel. Um die Logistik 4.0 voranzutreiben, sollten auch Mitarbeitende ohne IT-Hintergrund mit anpacken. No-Code-Tools machen genau dasmöglich.

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