Private Debt News

In the Name of Climate: Private vs. Public Funds

In the Name of Climate: Private vs. Public Funds

The number of public and private funds with climate-related names has surged in recent years, with more than 70% of the cumulative capitalization attributed to funds launched since the start of 2020. Despite similarity in the names, these funds are rather different. Renewable electricity accounted for over 40% of private climate funds’ net asset value, […]

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Private credit: The growth story in direct lending continues

Private credit: The growth story in direct lending continues

Assets are up and activity abounds in the upper, middle and lower markets. The growth of the private credit market has been nothing short of breathtaking and, in just a few short years, interest has skyrocketed along with assets under management. What was once a niche corner of the alternative investment landscape, private debt – […]

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Private debt funds rise 13.3% YoY in 2023, surpasses VC fundraising

Private debt funds rise 13.3% YoY in 2023, surpasses VC fundraising

The private credit industry enjoyed its highest annual returns since the global financial crisis, despite a falloff in investment volume late in the year. Investors in private debt funds, whose primary underlying assets are leveraged non-bank loans for businesses, fared extremely well in 2023. Such loans gained 13.3% for the year, according to the US […]

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Private Credit and Traditional Banks Forge a New Path

Private Credit and Traditional Banks Forge a New Path

As direct lending becomes a more popular financing option for middle-market and large U.S. companies, banks are increasingly seeking new ways to leverage their existing customer networks to participate in the direct lending market. However, because traditional banks have been largely circumscribed by regulators in their ability to participate directly in the leveraged loan market, […]

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ESG-Investorengruppe will Reformen der Privatmärkte

ESG-Investorengruppe will Reformen der Privatmärkte

Global ESG-Investoren fordern mehr Verantwortlichkeit von Akteuren an den privaten Märkten, um Emissionen im Portfolio zu reduzieren. Die Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) mit einem verwalteten Vermögen von 9,5 Bill. Dollar erweitert ihr Vorgaben auf alle privaten Anlageklassen. Bisher waren Kreditfonds, direkt gehaltene Immobilienkreditfonds und Wohnhypothekendarlehen ausgeschlossen.

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Logistik: SCHEWE Immobilien baut nachhaltige Logistikhalle in Dötlingen

Logistik: SCHEWE Immobilien baut nachhaltige Logistikhalle in Dötlingen

Die Immobilie erstreckt sich über eine Gesamtfläche von 11.085 m², wobei 9.985 m² für die Halle selbst, 800 m² für eine Mezzanine-Ebene und 300 m² für Büroflächen vorgesehen sind. Das Gebäude wird nachhaltigen Standards entsprechend gebaut, darunter eine Fassadenbegrünung, eine Loggia für Mitarbeiter, eine spezielle Folie gemäß Wassergefährdungsklasse 3, Lithium-Ionen-taugliche Ausstattung sowie Luftwärmepumpen und eine […]

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