ESG News

SHEIN Launches €200 Million Textile Circularity Fund

SHEIN Launches €200 Million Textile Circularity Fund

Global fashion online retailer SHEIN announced the launch of a new Circularity Fund, with the company providing an initial investment of €200 million, aimed at supporting startups in Europe and the UK focused on textile-to-textile circularity solutions. The new fund comes as the fashion industry, and the fast-fashion sector in particular, face increasing pressure to […]

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States to Drive Mandatory Climate Reporting Forward in U.S. in Absence of SEC Rules: Sustainable Fitch

States to Drive Mandatory Climate Reporting Forward in U.S. in Absence of SEC Rules: Sustainable Fitch

New laws and regulations at the state and federal levels in the U.S. are anticipated to create mandatory requirements for thousands of companies to provide climate-related reporting, in areas including value chain emissions and climate-related risks, even in the potential absence of climate reporting rules from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), according to a […]

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Climate Tech Startup 44.01 Raises $37 Million to Scale Solution to Turn CO2 into Rock

Climate Tech Startup 44.01 Raises $37 Million to Scale Solution to Turn CO2 into Rock

Carbon sequestration technology startup 44.01 announced today that it has raised $37 million in a Series A funding round, with proceeds aimed at developing and commercializing its technology, and enabling its international expansion. Founded in Oman in 2020, 44.01 provides solutions to eliminate CO2 captured from the air or from hard-to-abate industrial processes by turning […]

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Schneider Electric Launches New Sustainability Data Management and Reporting Solutions

Schneider Electric Launches New Sustainability Data Management and Reporting Solutions

Energy and automation digital solutions provider Schneider Electric announced a series of enhancements to its EcoStruxure Resource Advisor energy and sustainability data and reporting platform, with the launch of a suite of new solutions aimed at enabling companies to address new and upcoming sustainability reporting regulatory requirements. According to Schnieder Electric, the updated platform comes […]

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Die Rolle des Facility Managers beim Erreichen der Klimaziele

Die Rolle des Facility Managers beim Erreichen der Klimaziele

Die Studie zeigt, dass die Notwendigkeit zur Dekarbonisierung von Gebäuden und ihrem Betrieb weltweit anerkannt wird. Dennoch gibt es deutliche regionale Unterschiede: In Europa werden 69 Prozent der Befragten aufgefordert Maßnahmen zur Dekarbonisierung umzusetzen, in Asien 66 Prozent und in Nordamerika nur 57 Prozent. Die Motivation für die Dekarbonisierung reicht von Eigeninitiative über rechtliche und […]

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EnAW-Zielvereinbarungen: Unternehmen sparen CO₂-Verbrauch von fast einer Million Menschen ein

EnAW-Zielvereinbarungen: Unternehmen sparen CO₂-Verbrauch von fast einer Million Menschen ein

Im Jahr 2023 haben 4764 Mitgliedsunternehmen der Energie-Agentur der Wirtschaft (EnAW) durch gezielte Massnahmen im Vergleich zu 2013 820’000 Tonnen CO2 eingespart. Dies sind rund 27’000 Tonnen mehr als im Vorjahr und entspricht dem jährlichen CO2-Verbrauch von 900’000 Personen – also beinahe die Einwohnerinnern und Einwohner der Kantone Genf und Luzern zusammen. Das Instrument der […]

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ESG Today: Week in Review

ESG Today: Week in Review

This week in ESG news: Amazon sets decarbonization expectations for suppliers, achieves 100% renewable energy; EU regulator ESMA tells companies to get data systems in place for sustainability reporting; Microsoft purchases 500,000 tons of carbon removals from Oxy; KPMG launches climate reporting hub; Bain appoints new sustainability practice leader; BlackRock unveils new voting policy for […]

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Amazons Sustainability Exchange bietet kostenlose Dekarbonisierungstools und verpflichtet Lieferanten zur Einhaltung der Klimaziele

Amazons Sustainability Exchange bietet kostenlose Dekarbonisierungstools und verpflichtet Lieferanten zur Einhaltung der Klimaziele

Free Access: Amazons Sustainability Exchange bietet kostenlos firmeneigene Dekarbonisierungstools an. Schwerpunkte: Sieben Schlüsselbereiche, darunter CO2-freie Energie und Abfallkreislaufwirtschaft, werden abgedeckt. Lieferantenverpflichtung: Lieferanten müssen Dekarbonisierungspläne vorlegen, um ihre Geschäftsbeziehung mit Amazon fortsetzen zu können.

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KPMG startet Clear On Climate Reporting Hub

KPMG startet Clear On Climate Reporting Hub

KPMG startet Clear on Climate Reporting Hub für Unternehmenstransparenz Der Klimawandel führt dazu, dass die Finanzberichterstattung von Interessengruppen wie Regulierungsbehörden, Investoren und der Öffentlichkeit zunehmend genauer unter die Lupe genommen wird. Sie fordern Klarheit darüber, wie Unternehmen klimabezogene Themen wie Netto-Null-Verpflichtungen melden.

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GCC green investment market could unlock $2trn

GCC green investment market could unlock $2trn

Governments in the GCC have been urged to use the capital markets to accelerate investment in sustainable projects. By tapping into investment opportunities across the region through the use of sustainable investment funds and other green financial products, as much as US$2 trillion in GDP contribution could be raised by 2030. This is the recommendation […]

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Canada to Invest up to $1 Billion in Oil Sands Carbon Capture Projects

Canada to Invest up to $1 Billion in Oil Sands Carbon Capture Projects

Canada’s government-backed Canada Growth Fund (CGF) announced the creation of a new strategic partnership with oil and gas producer Strathcona Resources agreement to jointly invest up to C$2 billion (USD$730 million) for the development of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) infrastructure on Strathcona’s Saskatchewan and Alberta oil sands facilities. CGF commenced operations in 2023, capitalized […]

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ClimeCo Launches New Tool to Match Companies with Nature-Based Solutions Projects

ClimeCo Launches New Tool to Match Companies with Nature-Based Solutions Projects

Sustainability solutions company ClimeCo announced today the launch of NatureLink, a new tool aimed at matching organizations with fully vetted, high-quality nature-based solution (NBS) projects alinged with their specific goals, budgets and priorities. Nature-based solutions, according to International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), are “actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified […]

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