Impact News

PropTech: 10 Mio. US-Dollar für nachhaltigen Zement und Beton – GreenTech Startup alcemy schließt Finanzierungsrunde ab

PropTech: 10 Mio. US-Dollar für nachhaltigen Zement und Beton – GreenTech Startup alcemy schließt Finanzierungsrunde ab

Das Berliner GreenTech-Startup alcemy hat 10 Millionen US-Dollar eingesammelt. Die Finanzierungsrunde wird angeführt von Norrsken VC, dem größten europäischen Early Stage Impact Fonds aus Stockholm; weitere Investoren sind Galvanize Climate Solutions, BitStone Capital und AENU. alcemy arbeitet seit 2018 daran, die Herstellung von Beton und Zement nachhaltiger zu gestalten – angetrieben von der Vision, mithilfe […]

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Demeter Invests in H2 Green Steel

Demeter Invests in H2 Green Steel

Decarbonized steel startup H2 Green Steel announced today an investment from European venture capital investor Demeter, with proceeds supporting the construction of the company’s flagship green steel plant in Boden, Sweden, capable of producing steel with 95% lower emissions than traditional blast furnace technology. Steelmaking is one of the biggest emitters of CO2 globally, and […]

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Impact Investing: In Europa Gutes tun!

Impact Investing: In Europa Gutes tun!

Wohneigentum gehört zu Europas Brennpunkten, wobei manche Orte dem aktuellen Property Index von Deloitte zufolge stärker betroffen sind als andere. Der Bericht berechnet die Erschwinglichkeit von Wohneigentum anhand der Jahresbruttoeinkommen, die je nach Standort für eine neue Standardwohnung mit durchschnittlich 70 Quadratmetern aufgewendet werden müssen.

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Iberdrola Acquires Decarbonization Solutions Provider Balantia

Iberdrola Acquires Decarbonization Solutions Provider Balantia

Global energy and electricity provider Iberdrola announced today the acquisition of decarbonization solution provider Balantia, purchasing the 80% stake in the company that it did not already control, alongside plans to co-launch a new platform to help companies accelerate their emissions reduction initiatives. Founded in 2011, Spain-based Balantia’s technology helps companies create a decarbonization plan […]

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American Airlines Signs Deal for 100 Hydrogen-Powered Engines from ZeroAvia

American Airlines Signs Deal for 100 Hydrogen-Powered Engines from ZeroAvia

American Airlines announced that it has entered into a conditional purchase agreement with hydrogen-electric aviation solutions startup ZeroAvia for 100 engines that can power regional jet aircraft with zero inflight emissions save for water vapor. Additionally, American Airlines announced that it has increased its investment in ZeroAvia through participation in its Series C financing round, […]

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Google Asks Large Suppliers to Commit to 100% Renewable Energy as Emissions Continue to Rise

Google Asks Large Suppliers to Commit to 100% Renewable Energy as Emissions Continue to Rise

Google announced that it has implemented a new program, Google Renewable Energy Addendum, asking its largest hardware manufacturing suppliers to commit to achieving a 100% renewable energy match by 2029, marking one of the company’s initiatives to address its carbon footprint, which continues to increase, driven by its value chain and data center growth. The […]

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Climate Tech Startup Aether Fuels Raises $34 Million to Develop Clean Fuels for Aviation and Shipping

Climate Tech Startup Aether Fuels Raises $34 Million to Develop Clean Fuels for Aviation and Shipping

Climate tech startup Aether Fuels announced that it has raised $34 million in a Series A financing round, with procceds aimed at accelerating the scale-up of the company’s sustainable fuel technology for the aviation and ocean shipping industries. Established in 2022 as a spin-out of Temasek’s deep-tech early stage investment platform Xora Innovation, Aether provides […]

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VC Investor Seaya Raises €300 Million for New Climate Tech Startup Fund

VC Investor Seaya Raises €300 Million for New Climate Tech Startup Fund

Spanish VC firm Seaya announced today that it has raised €300 million (USD$ 321 million) at the close of Andromeda climate tech fund at €300 million (USD$321 million), aimed at investing in impact-driven growth companies specializing in energy transition, decarbonization, sustainable food value chain, and circular economy. Seaya is one of few female-founded venture capital […]

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