Impact News

COMPANIES/ ENVIRONMENT  Swiss Offers Cargo Customers Carbon Removal Through Climeworks

COMPANIES/ ENVIRONMENT Swiss Offers Cargo Customers Carbon Removal Through Climeworks

Swiss International Air Lines cargo division Swiss WorldCargo announced the launch of a new carbon removal offer, aimed at helping customers to reduce Scope 3 emissions by removing unavoidable emissions from the atmosphere, and to support scaling up net zero technology, through a collaboration with Direct Air Capture (DAC) carbon removal provider Climeworks. DAC technology, […]

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EU Invests Over $3 Billion in Clean Energy, Industrial Decarbonization Projects

EU Invests Over $3 Billion in Clean Energy, Industrial Decarbonization Projects

The European Commission announced today investments of nearly €3 billion (USD$3.2 billion) in clean energy projects in lower-income member states, with the new disbursements funded by revenues from the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). The new disbursements were made through the EU’s Modernisation Fund. Launched in 2018, with disbursements beginning in 2021, the fund […]

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ESG Today: Week in Review

ESG Today: Week in Review

This week in ESG news: Microsoft signs largest-ever carbon removal purchase deal; EU Council agrees on rules to fight greenwashing product claims; Bloomberg launches new CSRD sustainability data solution; H&M partners with industrial decarbonization startup to tackle supply chain emissions; Workiva launches carbon data management and reporting solution; EU adopts Nature Restoration Law; PwC study […]

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PepsiCo verdoppelt Präsenz im Bereich regenerative Landwirtschaft auf über 1.8 Hektar: PepsiCo ESG-Bericht 2023

PepsiCo verdoppelt Präsenz im Bereich regenerative Landwirtschaft auf über 1.8 Hektar: PepsiCo ESG-Bericht 2023

PepsiCo hat seinen Fortschrittsbericht 2023 zu den Ergebnissen in den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung (ESG) veröffentlicht. Die ESG Reporting Suite 2023 umfasst die ESG-Zusammenfassung, ESG-Themen von AZ und für ESG-Daten-Hubund liefert ein detailliertes Update zu pep+, unserem globalen Transformationsprogramm, das die langfristige Unternehmensleistung und den Unternehmenswert steigern soll.

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Microsoft Purchases Carbon Credits Helping U.S. Farmers Adopt Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Microsoft Purchases Carbon Credits Helping U.S. Farmers Adopt Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Sustainable agriculture and biological solutions provider Indigo Ag and Microsoft announced a new carbon removal purchase agreement, with Indigo delivering 40,000 tons of carbon credits to Microsoft generated through the promotion of regenerative agriculture practices by U.S. farmers. Regenerative agriculture practices are aimed at addressing the environmental impact of the sector, and include techniques to […]

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Amazon Eliminates 15 Billion Plastic Air Pillows in Packaging

Amazon Eliminates 15 Billion Plastic Air Pillows in Packaging

Amazon announced today that it has replaced 95% of the plastic air pillows from delivery packaging in North America with paper filler, and is working toward full removal of the plastic pillows by the end of the year. According to the company, the announcement marks Amazon’s largest to-date plastic packaging reduction effort in North America, […]

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UBS Invests in Impact Data Provider GIST Impact

UBS Invests in Impact Data Provider GIST Impact

Impact data and analytics provider GIST Impact announced today an investment from UBS’ venture and innovation unit, UBS Next. Founded in 2008, GIST Impact provides data and analytics solutions aimed at helping companies and investors measure their environmental and social impacts, using data-based intelligence with location-specific impact data covering more than 14,500 companies. The firm […]

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H&M Invests in Industrial Decarbonization Startup Rondo Energy to Tackle Fashion Supply Chain Emissions

H&M Invests in Industrial Decarbonization Startup Rondo Energy to Tackle Fashion Supply Chain Emissions

Fashion and design brands company H&M Group announced the launch of a new partnership with zero-carbon industrial heat solutions provider Rondo Energy, aimed at applying Rondo’s industrial decarbonization solution to help address the emissions footprint of H&M’s supply chain. Founded in 2020, California-based Rondo Energy provides solutions to address emissions from industrial heat processes. Industrial […]

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Frontier Signs Deal to Buy $49 Million Biomass-Based Carbon Removal Credits from Stockholm Exergi

Frontier Signs Deal to Buy $49 Million Biomass-Based Carbon Removal Credits from Stockholm Exergi

Carbon removal buyer coalition Frontier announced that it has facilitated offtake agreements to purchase $48.6 million of carbon removal output generated by Stockholm Exergi’s planned bio-energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) facility in Sweden, on behalf of buyers including Alphabet, Meta, JPMorgan Chase, and H&M, among others. Launched in April 2022 with commitments by […]

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Hershey Commits to Cut Agriculture, Value Chain Emissions

Hershey Commits to Cut Agriculture, Value Chain Emissions

Chocolate, candy and snacks producer Hershey announced today a series of new climate-related goals, with new targets to reduce emissions originating in its value chain, including Forest Land and Agriculture (FLAG) emissions. According to Hershey’s 2023 ESG report, Scope 3 emissions, or those originating in the company’s value chain outside of its direct control, account […]

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