Impact News

The environmental impact of ‘eco-friendly’ alternatives

The environmental impact of ‘eco-friendly’ alternatives

In a world increasingly conscious of environmental sustainability, numerous products have been marketed as “eco-friendly” alternatives to more harmful ones. These products, ranging from paper straws to biodegradable plastics, are often embraced by well-intentioned consumers aiming to reduce their ecological footprint. However, the actual impacts of these seemingly green products might not be as benign […]

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The top 5 sustainable finance innovations of 2023

The top 5 sustainable finance innovations of 2023

This article is brought to you by the Luxembourg–GLF Finance for Nature Platform. Sustainable finance received a welcome boost from innovation in 2023 as the sector rapidly transforms from a niche area to a mainstream feature of investors’ portfolios. With an estimated market value of USD 4.2 trillion in 2022, sustainable finance is a broad […]

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Innovating for Impact: The Sustainable Tech Trends to Watch in 2024

Innovating for Impact: The Sustainable Tech Trends to Watch in 2024

Sustainable technology is a rapidly advancing movement that is proving beneficial to the bottom line, as well as the environment. Gartner, which recently identified sustainable technology as one of its top strategic technologies for 2024, predicts that a quarter of CIO compensation will soon be linked to their sustainable technology impact. In the race to […]

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Top 10 net-zero strategies from the world’s busiest airports

Top 10 net-zero strategies from the world’s busiest airports

From waste reduction to energy efficiency, the world’s busiest airports are rolling out innovative sustainability strategies in the race to net zero There is no doubting the significant impact of aviation on the environment. Accounting for around 3% of total global carbon emissions, the industry has committed to a 2050 carbon-neutral goal – but challenges […]

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Aachener Grund steigert mit Westbridge Energieeffizienz der Gebäude

Aachener Grund steigert mit Westbridge Energieeffizienz der Gebäude

Das Ziel des Investors war es, die Werthaltigkeit seines Immobilienbestandes zu sichern und den CO2-Ausstoß des Gesamtportfolios im laufenden Betrieb zu senken. Zugleich sollen alle Objekte den zukünftig noch steigenden Anforderungen an Veröffentlichungspflichten durch die SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) Rechnung tragen. Dies wiederum setzt eine strategische Herangehensweise und eine umfangreiche Bestandsaufnahme voraus. Das komplexe […]

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7 strategies for integrating Generative AI in fund management

7 strategies for integrating Generative AI in fund management

Anup Kumar, EVP & global head of services at Linedata, discusses the integration of Generative AI in fund management and its transformative impact. Navigating AI’s transformative wave: unpacking the impact of Generative AI for fund management In the ever-evolving landscape of fund management, the recent surge in Generative AI (GenAI) adoption has propelled artificial intelligence […]

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Wald korreliert wenig mit anderen Anlageklassen, kann Inflationsschutz bieten, dabei langfristige Erträge und Planbarkeit liefern und zaubert Pluspunkte in Sachen ESG und Steuerung ins Portfolio. Kurzum, die Gründe, warum institutionelle Investoren gern mehr investieren würden, sind vielfältig. Doch es gilt einiges zu beachten. Ein Überblick.

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Why Impact investing doesn’t inevitably preclude positive performance

Why Impact investing doesn’t inevitably preclude positive performance

This week we launched the third iteration of reporting on the proprietary dataset we created on private market funds that seek Impact as well as the types they’re seeking. Readers of the prior editions will note that the addition of infrastructure to the Global Impact Investing Network’s IRIS+ framework has caused the real assets strategy […]

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