Impact News

Investors Engaged on Energy Transition

Investors Engaged on Energy Transition

Over half of investors globally believe they can significantly influence energy transition progress through their strategies, according to investment manager Nuveen’s fourth annual EQuilibrium institutional investor survey. Fifty-seven percent of the 800 surveyed institutional investors – who collectively manage US$18 trillion in assets – said they had or were seeking exposure to alternative energies including […]

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Japan Issues Impact Investing Guidelines

Japan Issues Impact Investing Guidelines

Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) has finalised new guidelines on impact investing, setting out four principles for market participants to refer to when structuring and financing investment projects that have social and environmental benefits. The four key principles of impact investment are: intentionality; additionality; identification, measurement and management of impact; and innovation, transformation and acceleration. […]

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Norwegian Investors Choose Voting Over Divesting

Norwegian Investors Choose Voting Over Divesting

Norway’s five largest investors supported the majority of climate resolutions filed at oil and gas majors in 2023, according to research by activist group Follow This. “These Norwegian investors show the world that voting is essential to active ownership,” said Mark van Baal, Founder of Follow This. “Big Oil will only change if shareholders vote […]

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Das Kapital scheut den Wasserstoff noch

Das Kapital scheut den Wasserstoff noch

Mit viel privatem Kapital soll die Wasserstoff-Infrastruktur aufgebaut werden, global wie national. Doch trotz enormer öffentlicher Vorleistungen zögern Investoren, Milliarden in Elektrolyseure und Netze zu stecken. In Deutschland einigte sich jetzt die Koalition über die Finanzierung des Kernnetzes.

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Wasserfonds: Renditepotenzial mit Impact

Wasserfonds: Renditepotenzial mit Impact

„Der Weltwassertag am 22. März erinnert jährlich an unser wichtigstes Grundnahrungsmittel“, sagt Scope-Analystin Sina Hartelt. Für Anleger stehen 20 Aktienfonds zur Verfügung, die ein Engagement in das Thema Wasser ermöglichen. Sina Hartelt hat Bilanz gezogen, was die Produkte geleistet haben.

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Top 10: Sustainable Technology Companies

Top 10: Sustainable Technology Companies

There’s an element of diversity to the actions of world-leading technology companies. Despite their differences, they all push towards the same goals Sustainability is largely driven by companies’ strategies to eliminate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or the social impact of an organisation, but without targets and deadlines, there is no way of benchmarking certain metrics.

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IKEA Foundation Invests $100 Million to Increase Access to electric Vehicles in Emerging Markets

IKEA Foundation Invests $100 Million to Increase Access to electric Vehicles in Emerging Markets

The IKEA Foundation, a strategic philanthropy funded by IKEA owner INGKA Foundation, announced that it will invest $100 million to support the Leapfrogging Partnership, a new project launched by vehicle electrification-focused initiative Drive Electric Campaign, aimed at advancing decarbonized road transportation in emerging markets. Launched in 2021 by Climateworks Foundation, the Drive Electric Campaign focuses […]

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Disruption: Wie disruptive Innovationen globale Märkte umkrempeln

Disruption: Wie disruptive Innovationen globale Märkte umkrempeln

Solar, Wind, Batterien, E-Autos und autonomes Fahren sind bahnbrechende Technologien und Innovationen, die das fossilbasierte Zeitalter schnell beenden werden. Diese disruptiven Veränderungen werden die eng verknüpften Märkte für Energie und Mobilität dezentralisieren und vollständig umgestalten. In den nächsten zehn Jahren steht der größte Wandel im Energiesektor und im Transportsektor seit über 120 Jahren bevor.

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Verkehrsemissionen in Europa steigen bis 2030 auf 44 Prozent

Verkehrsemissionen in Europa steigen bis 2030 auf 44 Prozent

Verkehrsbedingte Emissionen steigen weiter, während die der EU-Gesamtwirtschaft bereits sinken. Sinken die Emissionen des Verkehrs nicht auch, rückt das europäische Ziel, bis 2050 Netto-Null-Emissionen zu erreichen, in weite Ferne. Es sei zwar, so die Autoren der Analyse, unwahrscheinlich, dass die verkehrsbedingten Emissionen ihren jüngsten Spitzenwert aus dem Jahr 2019 wieder erreichen würden, doch wenn keine […]

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Cleantech Startup Terragia Raises $6 Million to Advance Biofuel Production Tech

Cleantech Startup Terragia Raises $6 Million to Advance Biofuel Production Tech

Cleantech startup Terragia Biofuel announced that it has raised $6 million in a seed financing round, with proceeds to be used by the company to grow and to commercialize its biology-based approach to converting biomass into ethanol and other products. Founded in 2022, New Hampshire-based Terragia develops technology enabling the production of sustainable fuels from […]

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