Impact News

Microsoft Adds AI-Powered Capabilities to Predict Emissions Impact of Actions to Sustainability Platform

Microsoft Adds AI-Powered Capabilities to Predict Emissions Impact of Actions to Sustainability Platform

Microsoft announced the addition of a series of new capabilities and features to its sustainability solution, Microsoft Sustainability Manager, including tools to enable users to determine the emissions impact of business decisions, analyze and extract data from ESG-related documents, and assess scenarios for water and waste management. Sustainability Manager forms part of Microsoft’s Cloud for […]

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UK to Require 10% Sustainable Aviation Fuel in Jet Fuel Mix by 2030

UK to Require 10% Sustainable Aviation Fuel in Jet Fuel Mix by 2030

The UK government announced today that it has confirmed its target mandating at least 10% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in the UK jet fuel mix by 2030. Fuel accounts for the vast majority of the aviation sector’s emissions. Generally produced from sustainable resources, like waste oils and agricultural residues, SAF is seen as one of […]

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BlackRock, Temasek Raise $1.4 Billion for Decarbonization-Focused Growth Fund

BlackRock, Temasek Raise $1.4 Billion for Decarbonization-Focused Growth Fund

BlackRock and Temasek’s decarbonization-focused fund Decarbonization Partners announced today that it has raised $1.4 billion at the final close of its inaugural fund, Decarbonization Partners Fund I, well ahead of the firm’s $1 billion fundraising target. Decarbonization Partners was launched by BlackRock and Temasek in 2022, establishing a late-stage venture capital and growth private equity […]

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Marken mit echtem Impact

Marken mit echtem Impact

Verbrauchende verändern ihr Kaufverhalten, aber nur, wenn die Narrative und Geschichten relevant und glaubwürdig sind. Ein Gastbeitrag über nachhaltigen Konsum und die Lücke zwischen Sagen und Machen.

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Logistik: Grünes Bauen gewinnt: Weleda Cradle Campus gewinnt Polis Award 2024 in der Kategorie „Ökologische Wirklichkeit“

Logistik: Grünes Bauen gewinnt: Weleda Cradle Campus gewinnt Polis Award 2024 in der Kategorie „Ökologische Wirklichkeit“

Bei der Verleihung des diesjährigen Polis Awards im Rahmen der Polis Convention in Düsseldorf wurde der Weleda Cradle Campus als Sieger in der Kategorie „Ökologische Wirklichkeit“ ausgezeichnet. Das neue Logistikzentrum der Weleda AG in Schwäbisch Gmünd überzeugte die Jury vor allem durch seine wegweisenden ökologischen Aspekte und seinen ganzheitlichen Nachhaltigkeitsanspruch. Der emissionsfreie, aus Lehm und […]

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Bei der Taxonomie nimmt sich die Branche viel vor

Bei der Taxonomie nimmt sich die Branche viel vor

Die Taxonomiequoten in den Immobilienportfolios sind überschaubar. So ernüchternd der Status Quo, so ambitioniert die Transformationspläne: Bis 2030 sollen knapp drei Viertel der Portfolios laut einer Umfrage von EY zu mehr als 40% taxonomiekonform sein, bei rund einem Viertel sollen die Bestände sogar zu 81% bis 100% im Einklang mit den Umweltzielen der EU stehen.

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Foxconn Commits to 100% Renewable Electricity by 2040

Foxconn Commits to 100% Renewable Electricity by 2040

Taiwan-based electronics manufacturing giant Hon Hai Technology Group, known internationally as Foxconn, announced a new pledge to run its worldwide operations on 100% renewable electricity by 2040. The new pledge extends a commitment made by Foxconn in 2022 to use at least 50% green power by 2030. The company’s renewable energy ratio is now greater […]

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TotalEnergies, BlackRock’s Vanguard Renewables Launch Waste-to-Clean Fuels Joint Venture

TotalEnergies, BlackRock’s Vanguard Renewables Launch Waste-to-Clean Fuels Joint Venture

France-based energy giant Total Energies and BlackRock portfolio company Vanguard Renewables announced today an agreement to create a new joint venture to develop, projects to turn food biowaste into renewable natural gas (RNG) in the U.S. RNG, or biomethane, is produced from organic waste, such as agricultural, industrial, and household wastes, and is chemically identical […]

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