Impact News

Cleantech Startup Ayrton Energy Raises $7 Million to Tackle Hydrogen Transport and Delivery Challenges

Cleantech Startup Ayrton Energy Raises $7 Million to Tackle Hydrogen Transport and Delivery Challenges

Ayrton Energy, which is developing advanced methods for the transport of liquid hydrogen, has secured a $6.8 million seed round investment to advance its liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) technology. The company said that it will leverage the financing to scale its proprietary technology, double the size of its team, and expand operations into energy […]

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greenpass erhält frisches Kapital für mehr Impact

greenpass erhält frisches Kapital für mehr Impact

Das Wiener ClimateTech ScaleUp greenpass sicherte sich in einer Late Seed Extension Runde in Q2 2024 frisches Kapital für die weitere Skalierung seiner innovativen Lösungen für klimasichere Immobilien und lebenswerte Städte. Greenpass bietet einen One-Stop-Shop für erfolgreiche Klimawandelanpassung und Dekarbonisierung in der Immobilienwirtschaft. Damit können gleichzeitig die steigenden ESG- und Nachhaltigkeitsvorgaben, wie die CSRD und […]

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CRH, Holcim Invest $75 Million in Low Carbon Cement Developer Sublime

CRH, Holcim Invest $75 Million in Low Carbon Cement Developer Sublime

Sublime Systems, which specializes in producing low-carbon cement, announced today a new partnership with building materials giants CRH and Holcim, including a $75 million equity investment and a binding offtake reservation, aimed at supporting the near-term development and operations of Sublime’s first commercial manufacturing facility in Holyoke, Mass.

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Bei KI geht nichts ohne Erneuerbare Energie

Bei KI geht nichts ohne Erneuerbare Energie

An Künstlicher Intelligenz führt kein Weg vorbei und ihr Ausbau ist unaufhaltsam, sagt Markus W. Voigt, CEO der aream Group. Damit einher gehe ein drastisch wachsender Energiebedarf für immer mehr Rechenzentren, der sich nur über Erneuerbare Energien sinnvoll decken lasse.

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Green Skills Demand to Double Supply by 2050 as Gap Accelerates: LinkedIn Study

Green Skills Demand to Double Supply by 2050 as Gap Accelerates: LinkedIn Study

Demand growth for green workforce skills is outpacing the increase in supply, as companies and countries globally begin to take action on implementing their climate and sustainability-related commitments, with current trends indicating that there will be more than twice as many jobs requiring green skills as there will be qualified workers available to fill those […]

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